Nutritional Value Of Roasted Peanuts

When it comes to snacking, dry-roasted peanuts are a popular option for individuals of all ages. Not only are they tasty and satisfying, but they also provide an abundance of nutritional advantages. This article examines the nutritional profile of dry-roasted peanuts, their health benefits, and how they can be a healthy addition to your diet.

Nutritional Value Of Roasted Peanuts

Peanut Butter and Peanuts Have a High Nutritional Value in Comparison to Other Snacks and Ingredients. For instance, in the Legume or Dried Bean Family, peanuts have a low caloric content. In addition, they are an excellent protein source!

Even so, the story keeps getting better. Looking at the peanut nutrition facts below, you may be surprised by how healthy roasted peanuts and other peanut products are. This is especially true when you consider how much each nutrient there is in one ounce. Check the peanuts’ nutrition labels for more information!

Calories: 161per Ounce 

Calories are a way to measure how much energy is in a certain food or drink. The key to staying at a healthy weight is to use up as many calories as you take in. Peanuts are full of nutrients and are important for keeping your weight down. They have 160 calories and provide nutrients that are hard to get, like fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin E, thiamin, and magnesium. Also, many studies show that peanuts help people control their weight because they make people feel full, and they never get tired of their taste, texture, or flexibility.

Protein: 7.3 g per ounce 

According to the nutrient database of the United States Department of Agriculture, a one-ounce serving of peanuts, or about a handful, is a good source of protein. Peanuts and peanut butter contribute 7 grams of high-quality, plant-based protein. Unlike animal protein, peanuts’ plant-based protein is accompanied by additional components that promote positive health, such as fiber and unique bioactives.

Carbohydrates: 4.6gm Per Ounce 

Carbohydrates are important to a healthy diet; they provide the body with glucose, which supports physical activity and bodily functions. Peanuts may be a good part of this mix because they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and turn into energy. Moreover, because peanuts are rich in protein, fat, and fiber, they are low in carbohydrates, resulting in a low glycemic index. Consequently, foods containing a low amount of carbohydrates, such as peanuts, are essential for those attempting to lower blood sugars, lose weight, lower blood sugars, and treat specific health conditions.

Healthy Fat: 14g Per Ounce 

According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils should be used for cooking and purchasing food instead of butter, shortening, coconut, and palm oils. More than 80% of peanut’s heart-healthy fats are heart-healthy unsaturated fats. According to scientific research, when healthy fats replace unhealthy fats in our diets, cardiovascular disease risk and inflammation are reduced.

Vitamins and Minerals: 5 gm 

Peanuts and peanut butter are rich in vitamins and minerals essential for growth, development, metabolism, and immune function. There are numerous micronutrients and bioactives that contribute to the nutritional value of peanuts.

Fiber: 2.4 Gm 

According to the Nutrient Database of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, peanuts are a great source of fiber. Over a Third of the Carbohydrates in Peanuts Are Fiber. According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines, Over Ninety Percent of Women and Ninety-Seven Percent of Men Do Not Meet Recommended Dietary Fiber Intake.

Health Advantages of Dry-Roasted Peanuts

Here are some advantages of dry roasted peanuts:

  • Rich in Protein: Peanuts that have been roasted dry are an excellent source of plant-based protein. One ounce (28 grams) of dry-roasted peanuts contain approximately seven grams of protein. Peanuts are a good addition to vegan and vegetarian diets because they are a good source of protein. Protein is essential for the creation and repair of tissues in the body.
  • Heart-Healthy Fats:  Even though peanuts have a lot of fat, most fats are heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. When eaten in moderation, these fats benefit your heart because they can help lower amounts of bad cholesterol. This makes heart problems less likely.
  • Fiber Content:  With approximately 2 grams of fiber per ounce, peanuts are an excellent source of dietary fiber. Fiber Is Vital for Digestive Health and Helps Prevent Constipation. It can also make you feel full, which helps you lose weight by stopping you from eating too much.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Dry-roasted peanuts Contain Numerous Vital Vitamins and Minerals Niacin (Vitamin B3), Including Vitamin E, Folate, Magnesium, and Potassium. These Nutrients Are Necessary for the Maintenance of a Healthy Body, from Energy Production to Skin Health.
  • Weight Management: The combination of fiber and protein in peanuts can help control appetite and reduce hunger, making them an excellent choice for those attempting to manage their weight. As a Snack, peanuts can aid in preventing excessive caloric intake.
  • Blood Sugar Control: Peanuts have a low glycemic index, so they have a minimal effect on blood sugar levels. This Makes Them an Appropriate Snack for Individuals with Diabetes or Those Seeking to Regulate Their Blood Sugar Levels.
  • Antioxidant Properties: Peanuts Contain Antioxidants, Including Resveratrol, That Help Fight Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in the Body. These Antioxidants Could Contribute to a Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases.
  • Nutrient Density: Dry Roasted Peanuts Are Nutrient-Dense. They Offer an Abundance of Vital Nutrients in a Relatively Small Serving Size. This Makes Them a Convenient and Nutritious Option for Snacking on the Go.
  • Healthy Aging:  Several Studies Indicate That the Antioxidants and Healthy Fats in Peanuts May Play a Role in Promoting Healthy Aging and Reducing the Risk of Age-Related Diseases.
  • Bone Health:  Peanuts contribute to maintaining strong and healthy bones due to their magnesium and phosphorus content.

Utilizing Dry-Roasted Peanuts In Your Diet

Now that you know dry-roasted peanuts are good for your health, here are some tasty ways to add them to your diet:

1. Snack Attack

Indulge in a Handful of Dry-Roasted Peanuts as an Afternoon Snack to Curb Hunger and Boost Your Energy.

2. Peanut Butter Delight

Spread Peanut Butter on Whole-Grain Toast or Use It as a Dipper for Apple Slices or Celery Sticks.

3. Salad Topping

Add Texture and Flavor to Your Salads by Scattering Crushed Dry-Roasted Peanuts.

4. Trail Mix

Create Your Trail Mix by Mixing Peanuts, Dried Fruits, Dark Chocolate Chips, and Whole-Grain Cereal.

5. Thai-Inspired Dishes

Add Crushed Peanuts to Your Favorite Thai-inspired dishes, Like Pad Thai and Peanut Sauce Stir-Fries.

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