10 High Protein Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss

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1) Greek yogurt with berries

Greek yogurt with berries is high in protein and low in sugar, while the berries contribute fiber and antioxidants.

2) Omelette with vegetables

Omelette with vegetables: Omelettes are an excellent source of protein for breakfast. Add vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms, and peppers.

3) Chia seed pudding

Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein and fiber. For a delicious and substantial breakfast, combine them with almond milk.

4) Protein smoothie

Make a protein smoothie with protein powder, almond milk, and frozen berries for an on-the-go breakfast.

5) Scrambled eggs with spinach

Scrambled eggs with spinach. Eggs are a traditional high-protein entree. Add some spinach for extra fiber and micronutrients.

6) Cottage cheese and fruit

 Cottage cheese is low in calories and high in protein. Add sliced peaches or berries for a delicious and filling breakfast.

7) Protein pancakes

For a higher protein breakfast, substitute protein powder for flour when making pancakes. Add fresh fruit or nut butter on top.

8) Tofu scramble

Vegans and vegetarians should attempt tofu scrambled with vegetables such as onions, mushrooms, and spinach.

9) Breakfast burrito

For a protein-rich breakfast, wrap scrambled eggs, black beans, salsa, and avocado in a whole wheat tortilla.

10) High-protein oatmeal

Add protein powder, nut butter, or Greek yogurt to your oatmeal in order to increase its protein content.

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