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11 Foods That Are Almost Calorie-Free!

1) Asparagus

For just 20 calories, a half-cup portion provides two grams of fiber, one gram of protein, and half the daily vitamin K need.

2)Bell peppers

About 30 calories are in a cup of a medium-sized bell pepper. Vitamin C is also abundant in these sweet peppers, which is a pleasant surprise.

3) Broccoli

Broccoli is low in calories and rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and a variety of antioxidants. There are only 31 calories per cup of chopped broccoli.

4) Cabbage

One cup of cabbage, whether for salads, sandwiches, side dishes (such as coleslaw), or its own sautéed dish, contains around 18 calories.

5) Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a healthier alternative to rice, pizza dough, and buffalo wings. Cauliflower has fiber, antioxidants, and 27 calories per cup.

6) Celery

There aren't many calories in foods that are 95 percent water. Celery, for example, is low in calories, having only 15 calories in a cup.

7) Cucumbers

Because a cup of cucumbers has just 16 calories, they've been utilized in place of tortilla chips, crackers, and other high-calorie items in countless recipes.

8) Grapefruit

Grapefruits are low in calories (37 per half-fruit) and are a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. They also have 37 calories per half-fruit.

9) Popcorn

One cup of this fluffy dessert includes only 31 calories. Even when popped in oil, a cup of popcorn only contains 35 calories.

10) Summer squash

Summer squash is packed with health advantages, including a low calorie count. For example, a cup of zucchini has 19 calories, but a cup of yellow squash has 35 calories.

11) Tomatoes

The calories in an average-sized, ripe tomato are only 22. A complete cup of cherry tomatoes has the same calories as a single cherry tomato.

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