9 Best Dog Breeds For Single People

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They are ideal for singles looking for a loyal companion that doesn't require much exercise.

1) French Bulldog

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are friendly and energetic tiny dogs. Singles who want a devoted cuddler should get one.

2) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Chihuahuas are feisty and faithful tiny dogs. Singles who desire a loyal, easy-to-care-for companion will love them.

3) Chihuahua

Medium-to-large greyhounds are calm and affectionate. They're perfect for singles who want a loyal, easy-to-train pet.

4) Greyhound

Small Boston Terriers are friendly and playful. Singles who want a loyal, playful, and easy-to-train pet should get one.

5) Boston Terrier

Medium-sized beagles are friendly and lively. They're perfect for singles who want a devoted playmate and walker.

6) Beagle

Pugs are friendly and playful tiny dogs. They're perfect for singles who want a loyal, low-maintenance pet.

7) Pug

Shih Tzus are petite, amiable dogs. Singles who want a dependable, social companion will enjoy them.

8) Shih Tzu

Small Border Terriers are friendly and lively. They're perfect for singles who want a devoted playmate and walker.

9) Border Terrier

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